December 18, 2018
Legal Law Firms

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Legal Law Firms Saket is a completely self-governing, reputed and commercial litigation law firm at Saket in New Delhi, Since the beginning, This firm is Fully devoted to legal law services to its Indian Clients, the main theme of Advocate Mr. Akil Khan, the founder of the said firm was to serve as an individual, multinational, public & private companies and other corporate bodies. Legal Law Firms brought its law services to the table with a team of committed & fully dedicated professional Advocates and Lawyers at Saket in New Delhi, who are professionals in their respective fields of practice of Law in Delhi and NCR and pursued a philosophy of symbiotic relationships with litigants.
Legal law firms is located at Saket, New Delhi. The Legal law firms is the combination of many lawyers from across Delhi. The law firms has associates member who are expertise in different law field including Civil Law, Criminal Law, and Specialize in Arbitration Cases, Matrimonial Cases, Company Law, Labor Law, and Negotiable Instrument Act. There are more than four Lawyers devoted with us in different Court in Delhi at present.
A Legal law firms is typically a partnership of lawyers who have come together to offer their expertise to clients under one name. These partners share the benefits of the firm as well as the risks (responsibilities) and hire other lawyers to work with them as partners. These associates can work in the business for a period of time and, provided they establish their skills on the job, can even become business associates and share in the profits and management of the business. Legal Law firms serve the interests of businesses and individuals, although most Legal law firms deal exclusively with corporations, i.e. businesses. Working in a law firm involves dealing with a wide variety of issues that may or may not be limited to a particular area of law (depending on the specialization and culture of the firm).
Legal law firms have separate litigation and corporate departments. The litigation department deals with disputes in which the firm's clients are involved. Working in the litigation department of a law firm or a predominantly litigation firm involves interaction with leading lawyers and an impression of the world of judicial practice. Corporate services of law firms advise companies on corporate transactions in which they are involved, such as business acquisitions, major business-to-business agreements, investments in India by foreign clients, financing of massive projects undertaken by customers, etc.
It has been past Two year ago in the field of litigation, where we have provided our law services to many clients. The law firms is equally at ease handling the day to day cases of the ordinary litigant as it is treatment the legal arguments of many law firms and clients. Though traditionally The law firms’s practice began with a leading Saket Court importance, it has today expanded in a manner which ensures that it has a presence in all the subordinate courts and tribunals in the Delhi NCR and its law services are often enlisted to handle litigation on a India basis.The tactic of The law firms is reflected in its working creed. The law firms believes in sober and thought-through advice, effective and expeditious implementation, cheap and cost effective pricing. Also, the client is always that of The law firms and never of an individual and therefore the most optimum service is given to the client in the best possible manner and client friendly utilization of talent is assured in every manner.
Civil Cases, Criminal Cases, Property Cases, Divorce & Maintaince Cases, Company Law, Debt RECOVERY, Arbitration, Intelllectual Property Rights, Dowry Cases, Cyber Crime
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We are Group of lawyers which make proper stratgey for Paricular Case.
Lawyer-supported mediation. Lawyer-supported mediation is a "non-adversarial method of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolves disputes, such as to settle family issues at a time of divorce or separation, including child support, custody issues and division of property".
Civil Law(or Civilian Law or Common Law) as we all know, a branch of Continental law which is the general part of private law. The law that applies to all citizens of a city or state as opposed to international law or to military or ecclesiastical law. This is governed by The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in India. Civil Procedure Code is a complete code in itself; all the remedies and rights have been defined and well defined in this Code. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines the law in three different parts that include (1) Section (2) Order (3) Rules. The matter under this code are decided in different Courts , which are differentiate by the Pecuniary Jurisdiction, which is decided by the Code. (SMALL CAUSE COURT, CIVIL JUDGE, ADDITIONAL DISTRICT JUDGE, HIGH COURTS).
The Hindu marriage act, 1955 (25 of 1955), became law on the 18th may, 1955. This act itself states that the following Act is governed on all Hindus who are by religion, birth or conversion became a Hindu; it is define in Section 2 of the Act define who is Hindu, Buddhists, Jain or Sikhs. It applies also to all other persons who are not Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews unless they establish that they were not governed by Hindu law, custom or usage prior to the act..
Indian criminal law is the law relating to criminal conduct in India. Indian Criminal Laws are divided into three major acts i.e. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Besides these major acts, special Criminal Laws are also passed by Indian Parliament i.e. NDPS, Prevention of Corruption Act, Food Adulteration Act, Dowry Prevention Act, etc. thousands of minor laws are made in India. With the help of these law the Indian society is governed and maintained peace and harmony among the people of India.
We at legal law firms are the team of legal professionals who believe in providing service to our client only in the legal way of debt collection. Our collection law services 'Do-Not' use any other means of illegal tactics for the recovery of the due from the defendant person, rather we use the negotiations, notices and other legal ways to recover debt. We provide following types of debt collection law services.
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December 18, 2018
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